quarta-feira, 30 de março de 2016


Eu sinto o peso nas costas das responsabilidades e percebo a minha GIGANTE infantilidade e não compreensão de certas realidades. Nem tudo é tão novo e diferente, mas o jeito como é cobrado me recai de uma forma mais dura e, as vezes, eu me pergunto porque ninguém me perguntou antes se eu queria mesmo viver. É bom conviver com todos esse dramas da vida adulta, mas eu sinto medo de fazer tudo de um jeito errado. 

Até porque nunca é suficiente, ou nunca tá certo.

Eu cheguei numa fase que NUNCA (repito, NUNCA) é bom o bastante. na verdade pra mim até pode ter sido o bastante, mas é só ser um pouco menos ingênuo pra perceber que não. O que você ta fazendo não é o bastante, nunca será suficiente pra sanar necessidade de se sentir útil. Útil pra alguém ou para fazer algo. Esse, na verdade, é meu maior medo. Medo de nunca me sentir útil de verdade. de ser alguma referência para alguém. Foda-se quem quem acha meu discurso dramático.. a realidade é: nós nunca seremos completamente felizes sem nos sentirmos útil para as pessoas. Por mais que na minha casa eu ache que estou fazendo tudo ok e não atrapalho ninguém, eles vão continuar reclamando porque não fiz algo direito. 

Entretanto, isso é a minha casa.

Duro mesmo é o resto do mundo que não tem pena nenhuma e não vai te ajudar.. talvez nem diga o que está errado só para você nunca se consertar e se ferrar legal. 

quarta-feira, 9 de março de 2016


Dear women,
You don't need one day to make you feel special. You are special every single day. However, this is just a gentle reminder of how strong you are.
You are so goddamn powerful. Please, for Heaven's sake, stop looking to be saved, but start LOVING YOURSELF. Stop comparing yourself to other women, but encourage one another. Don't be envious of what you lack, instead remember your strengths and work on your weaknesses.
I believe that you learn from everyone that walks into your life. However, one should grow in relationships and if it's draining you of your energy, you need to walk away. And walking away doesn't mean you’re weak, it shows that you have courage to love yourself more.
Don't chase men or women like they are cures. Breathe. Nothing can fill the emptiness you keep trying to fill with material things, sex, food, drugs, work or alcohol; they are just numbing devices. Only you can truly do that. Stop running away from yourself.
Rejection, ah, rejection, the deadliest of all pains! At some point you may feel this (I pray you won't), but realize that even if you do, it's okay! But don't lose hope. Not in love, not in your work, not in your passion and never in yourself. Just get back up and keep moving forward.
You are radiant in your own way, if someone tells you to be more ‘lady like’ (most people tell me to do that), you can tell them to shove it (with a smile). If someone tells you oh ‘you're too feminine’, you can tell them to shove it, as well. Just BE YOU. You cannot be ‘less of a woman’ or ‘too girly’. Yes, your energies can keep fluctuating, but in essence, you're a woman. Feminity is you being comfortable in your own skin. Embrace yourself truly who you are without any masks. You're a magnificent beast.
Either way, people will constantly tell you what you need to do, how you need to dress, how you need to act, how you need to talk or what your body should look like. In my honest opinion, don't listen to them. Listen to your own inner voice. Rise up and step back into your awesome, innate power. You're a goddess.
Take time for your self. Read, write, listen to music, go for a run, be with nature. Nature always heals. I guess that's why we call it 'mother' earth because the feminine energy is that powerful to give and heal. So take out time for you and give yourself the love you need.
Dance in your wildness, create magic with your love, be engulfed in your passion and do what makes you happy. You're divine life itself.
From an Indian woman trying to figure her self out.
— Natasha Noel